Category: Knowledge
How you can use Slack and MS Teams to foster knowledge management and information sharing
I am a member of several Slack and MS Teams workspaces, and I am often struck by how little organisations I work with invest in making these digital workspaces valuable instruments to nurture ideas, develop knowledge in a distributed way or share information in a way that saves people time. I prefer Slack over Teams,…
Strengthening the absorptive capacity of your organisation
This post is about the concept of absorptive capacity. When you are trying to improve a company, an industry, or promote innovation and learning in a region, this concept is very important. It is often poorly understood. My clients in the education sector always relate absorptive capacity to education levels. While this is true, it…
Revised: Industry 4.0, IoT, 3D printing and more. Why some technologies diffuse so quickly and others don’t
I wrote this article yesterday on my thinking-out-loud site and was pleasantly surprised at the interest it sparked. My language guru Linton helped me to fix many grammar errors, so here is the revised version. I receive questions daily about the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, 3D printing and many other technologies and whether and…
A resource for leaders trying to unlock knowledge
This is one of my favourite topics to write, read and talk about. How knowledge can be leveraged to enable innovation in organisations. Even if it is tacit, or people don’t even know they posses valuable knowledge, leaders can create an environment where these ideas can be surfaced, explored and leveraged. The pdf here contains…
Unlocking knowledge in organisations to unlock innovation
In 2016 I wrote an article for the University of Stellenbosch Business Schools Thought Thursdays newsletter about how leaders can unlock knowledge intheir organisations to enable innovation. This article has lead to many interesting presentations, speeches and conversations. I also wrote several follow on articles on the that can all be accessed from this…