Category: Innovation management
Leveraging the novel capabilities of newly acquired technologies
The measures applied to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic have certainly forced many organisations, teams and individuals to use digital technologies in new ways. However, I doubt whether the new ways of using technologies have transformed the way organisations work, or the way that work is organised. Let me explain. The term “technology” is a…
Innovation as culture rather than as a technique or function
No tool or technique will improve the innovation culture of your company – it is a relationship thing and leadership is central to success. I share some thoughts in this weeks Thought Thursdays newsletter of the USB Executive Development. Click here for the article on the USB-ED website,
How to recognise 3 kinds of innovation in your organisation
When I am asked to help a team with their innovation strategy, I always ask about their past innovation activities. Often I am told that they are not yet innovating, or that they innovate infrequently, or that they are planning to innovate more in the future. However, if you ask the team to think about…